we are obsessed with you.

  • Kasambagan, Cebu City
  • hello@hellopaprika.com
  • 63 32 517 7376

these things matter to us.


We can’t talk about you, if we don’t know who you are. Branding sets the foundation for everything we dowe figure out what you have to say and what makes you special, and only then do we decide how to share that with the world.


We don’t just help you figure out what you want to say, we also tell you what the people want to hear. We’re all about producing authentic content that speaks to the right audience for your brand.


We’re here to start a conversation. In a digital world, people are no longer an audience—they’re here to talk back, for better or for worse. We’ll help you navigate this exciting, though sometimes volatile, terrain, and figure out how your brand can compete in this new world.

some of the things we've done so far.

Kayu Soup

some brands we've had fun with.

what makes us special.

like we said, we're obsessed with you.

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but it’ll still be meaningless if it doesn’t capture the one important thing you want to say. We delve deep into who you are—before anything else—so we’re sure that everything we do reflects that, be it a tagline, a video, a caption, or a squiggly line on your logo.

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